Documenting has never been so easy
Generate API documentation for your C# and VB .NET code

{multithumb caption=0}VSdocman can generate documentation even without any additional comments in the source code. All Methods, Properties, Events and other links are generated properly and parameters descriptions and other sections are also included.

However, it is good to include additional descriptions directly into the source code. It is done by adding standard XML comments which VSdocman understands in both C# and VB .NET.

Commenting is based on tags that are included in your comments.

For example

/// <summary>This is my method.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is a remarks section</remarks>
void MyMethod()

Automatic Addition of Comment

User can write all that comment manually but he is not required to do so. VSdocman can do that automatically. VSdocman has an intelligent mechanism for inserting comments. Depending on code element name or type, you can easily insert predefined default comment. For example, the "Gets or sets a value indicating whether ..." summary text is automatically generated for boolean properties. This is controlled by comment templates which are fully customizable by user. There are some predefined templates for the most common cases.

When user clicks right mouse button on the code window, the pop-up menu appears. Menu contains Add XML Comment, Comment Editor and Add Description Attribute items which perform the following actions:

  1. Add XML Comment automatically adds the default XML comment to the current member. User can preset how the default comment should look like.

    Adding default customizable XML comment
  2. Comment Editor invokes the WYSIWYG Comment editor for selected member. This is useful when creating complicated documentation including cross-references, pictures, tables and others. Comment editor provides a user-friendly graphical way for editing the comments.

    WYSIWYG comment editor
  3. Add Description Attribute automatically adds the Description attribute to the current member. Short property description in Properties Window must be defined with System.ComponentModel.Description attribute.

    Description attribute


Start generating your .NET documentation now!


Free, fully functional trial

Just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for writing this software.  Getting set up and generating the first set of documents was really straight forward and to the point.  Documentation looks great, navigates well, and serves the purpose.  I am more then happy with my purchase.

Alan Hyneman, Data Architect

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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.