Documenting has never been so easy

We are glad to announce that the new version 7.6 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is a  Visual Studio tool for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your C# and VB .NET projects. For more information go to VSdocman home page .

This minor update brings some improvements and fixes some small issues. You can download it from here. If you have installed VSdocman 6.8 or earlier, uninstall it before installing the version 7.6.

What's new in VSdocman version 7.6:

  1. NEW: Added the option to display namespaces with their short names (just the last name part) in the TOC and "Namespaces" table. By default they are listed with their full names. You can now suppress it with the setting in the project properties, not accessible from GUI. Just open .vsdoc file for the project or solution and change the value of the "VBdocman_ListNamespacesWithShortNames" key from 0 to -1.
  2. CHANGE: Improved the startup time of any initial operation with VSdocman (open VSdocman, Add comment, open comment editor, ...) in a large VS solution with a large number of projects.
  3. FIX: Improved inheriting of comments from implemented methods in an implemented interface.
  4. FIX: Explicit <see> links to members that were not explicitly declared in the code, but only inherited, were not generated correctly. An example of such link could be the <see cref="MyClass.ToString"/> link which should point to Object.ToString.
  5. FIX: If the cref attribute in the <exception>, <seealso> and <permission> comment tags didn't contain a full name (e.g. shortened Exception instead of  System.Exception), an incorrect link was generated.
  6. FIX: The WYSIWYG comment editor generated incorrect color value when you selected a text color. If you selected a named color, the color name was generated instead of expected hex value. For example color="red" instead of color="#FF0000". Such colors were ignored in generated documentation.
  7. FIX: Code attributes were taken only from a single partial declaration of a class, interface or structure. If there were other attributes specified in other partial declarations, they were ignored. This way, for example, the ObsoleteAttribute could be ignored in partial classes.
  8. FIX: If a project was removed or renamed in VS solution, and then you made any changes in VSdocman's Profile Manager, these changes were not saved.
  9. FIX: In very rare cases, the command line utility VSdocmanCmdLine.exe could exit with the error code 1 (Visual Studio was not found.) with the additional exception info: COMException (0x80080005). This is usually caused by a temporary high CPU or memory load. Everything usually works on the next execution. So we added the new optional /retryOnCpuBusy COUNT;INTERVAL parameter for the VSdocmanCmdLine.exe which allows you to automatically retry the operation in this situation.
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.