Documenting has never been so easy

We are glad to announce that the new VSdocman 9.1 has been released. VSdocman is a  Visual Studio tool for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your C# and VB .NET source code files. For more information go to VSdocman home page .

This minor update fixes some problems. You can download it from here.

What's new in VSdocman version 9.1:

  1. CHANGE: Generated CHM files are now able to show HTML5 and CSS3 content. This will affect only users who customize their CHM output. The CHM viewer in Windows uses very old IE7 mode by default. This is the reason why HTML topics in a CHM file cannot use many modern HTML and CSS features. This change instructs the viewer to use the latest IE version installed, which is IE11 in most cases. This allows you to customize the CHM output, for example with vsdocman_overrides.css file (see VSdcoman manual for details) and use e.g. the :before CSS selector for inserting a custom text or image in the header.
  2. FIX: In VS 2019, the VSdocman context menu entries for C# or VB files were sometimes not present, if VSdocman was not loaded yet. Moreover, this fix can improve your VS performance in VS 2019, 2017 and 2015. Previously, VSdocman was automatically loaded when a solution was opened. Even if VSdocman wasn't used at all. Now it is loaded only when you click on VSdcoman button or menu item.
  3. FIX: The incorrect "internal" accessibility was assigned to partial class, struct or interface definitions that had no explicit access modifier, e.g. "partial class C1". Instead, the accessibility should be taken from other partial definitions with an explicit access modifier, e.g. "public partial class C1". This could cause problems, if you selected not to include internal members in the documentation. In such a case, all members and comments from these partial definitions were not compiled. This problem only affected C#, it worked fine in VB.
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.