Documenting has never been so easy

We are glad to announce that a new version 8.6 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is a  Visual Studio tool for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your C# and VB .NET projects. For more information go to VSdocman home page .

This minor update contains several improvements, especially for cref links handling. You can download it from here.

What's new in VSdocman version 8.6:

  1. CHANGE: Improved speed of the "Select reference" dialog box of the comment editor. Each time you re-opened the editor and then opened the "Select reference" dialog box, the tree with all available code members was rebuilt. This could take a significant amount of time. Now, the tree is cached for each project and the dialog opening is instant. You can still refresh the tree manually with a new button in the dialog.
  2. FIX: VSdocman now recognizes cref links in C# and VB specific syntax. There are three types of cref syntaxes that VSdocman accepts in XML comments. The first one is language neutral, where generic types and members use syntax: `1 and ``1. The ref and out parameters have a '@' character appended: Method(int@). The second one is C# syntax. Generic types and members use syntax: {T} or {String} for constructed types. The ref and out parameters have C# syntax: Method(ref int, out string). The last one is VB syntax, where generic types and members use syntax: (Of T) or (Of String) for constructed types. The ref and out parameters have VB syntax: Method(ByRef  Integer). Until now, VSdocman only accepted the language neutral cref. However, Visual Studio only supports C# syntax in C# code and VB syntax in VB code. The language neutral syntax is used only by VSdocman internally and in external XML doc files.
  3. FIX: The comment editor now generates cref links in C# and VB specific syntax instead of the language neutral cref format. This fix is related to the previous one.
  4. FIX: When producing a documentation in the "MS Help Viewer" format, the generated unregister_<projectname>.bat script didn't unregister the documentation from VS 2017 help (Microsoft Help Viewer 2.3).
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.