We are glad to announce that a new version 8.0 beta of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is a Visual Studio tool for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your C# and VB .NET source code files. For more information go to VSdocman home page .
This major update adds support for VS 2017, new features and fixes some problems. You can download it from here. Please let us know your positive or negative experience.
What's new in VSdocman version 8.0:
- NEW: Added support for Visual Studio 2017.
- NEW: Added MSDN 2017 HTML and CHM output formats for generated documentation. They have newer look, list of members is located on a class page and all overloaded members are directly accessible from the TOC and members list.
- NEW: Added PDF output format for generated documentation. MS Office 2010 or newer is required for the PDF creation.
- NEW: Added /devenvPath parameter for VSdocmanCmdLine.exe utility. It replaces /vs in case of VS 2017.
- CHANGE: Removed support for VS 2005, 2008 and 2010. VSdocman now works only with VS 2012 and newer.
- CHANGE: Removed RTF and Help&Manual documentation output formats. They were obsolete. Please use Docx instead of RTF.
- CHANGE: Better detection of the active project. If there is no project selected in Solution explorer (e.g. the solution is selected), then the active document, if any, is used to get the project. This mechanism is used when you open VSdocman window. On the other hand, if you open the comment editor, the project of the active document is preferred to the one selected in Solution explorer. This project is used in Add/edit link dialog to show the project members.
- CHANGE: Simplified licensing mechanism. The purchased license is not bound to VSdocman major version anymore. The registration key now works with any VSdocman version released before the end of the free update period, which is normally one year after the purchase. In simple words, you'll get free updates for the period of one year. After that time, you can keep using the last updated version forever, because the license is perpetual.
- CHANGE: Sometimes, the command line compilation of documentation was significantly slower than from VSdocman GUI. They are equally fast now.
- FIX: In C#, if a class contained an indexer defined in a shortcut form (e.g. public string this[long id] => "abc";), VSdocman threw an exception during documentation compilation.
- FIX: In VS 2015, if the cursor was inside XML comments of a type (class, enum, ...) and the type had an attribute, the "Comment Editor" operation from the context menu didn't work.
- FIX: Slow Select/Deselect All files on Project Properties pane, Code Members - Files page. With several hundreds of files (e.g. in a web application), it could take several minutes. Now it's a few seconds.
- FIX: If there was no .NET 2.0 or 3.5 installed, the .NET 3.5 installation prompt might be displayed during generation of documentation.