Documenting has never been so easy

We have released a new version 6.6 of VSdocman. VSdocman is a  Visual Studio 2013/2012/2010/2008/2005 add-in for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your C# and VB .NET projects. For more information go to VSdocman home page .

This update fixes several minor problems. You can download it from here.

What's new in VSdocman version 6.6:

  1. FIX: The WYSIWYG comment editor was incorrectly wrapping lines for C# and VB examples inside <code lang="C#"> and <code lang="VB"> comment tags. Only generic code inside <code> was handled correctly and it was not wrapped.
  2. FIX: Copy&paste in the WYSIWYG comment editor didn't work in Visual Studio 2013 running on 64-bit operating system.
  3. FIX:  In the WYSIWYG comment editor, pasting of non-ASCII text (e.g. diacritics, Chinese, ...) in HTML format (e.g. copied from IE or from the editor) didn't work correctly. This only happened when VSdocman was running on .NET 4.5, that means in VS 2013, 2012 and possibly also in VS 2010.
  4. FIX: After generating the documentation in MS Help Viewer format (VS 2010-2013 help), the documentation was not automatically registered. The problem was only present in version 6.5.
  5. FIX: Handling of some generic types. If, for example, a class inherited from a constructed generic type whose type argument was also a generic type (e.g. class TestClass1<T> : List<List<T>>), the links in syntax section were generated incorrectly. If the type argument was not generic (e.g. class TestClass1<T> : List<T>), it worked OK.
  6. FIX: In the Inheritance Hierarchy, external superclasses (e.g. System.Object) were not shown correctly. This problem was present in versions 6.3 and higher.
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.