Comment template tells VSdocman how to generate default XML comment for a code element. It contains mechanism for intelligent generating based on element name and type.

Go to Tools - VSdocman menu or press VSdocman button on standard toolbar. VSdocman dialog appears, select Options pane. Set element type under Comment Templates.

Each template consists of three main parts:

1.Flag whether the comment should be inherited from an overridden or implemented member. This is only valid for methods, constructors and properties. If it is checked, VSdocman tries to inherit the comment from overridden and then from implemented members, even those from framework classes. If such a comment is found, it is used and no other rules are evaluated.

2.A list of rules. Rule defines XML comment if specified condition based on element name and type is met. See Editing comment rules for more information.

There may be any number of rules for the element. They are listed by priority. VSdocman starts evaluating the first one. If the condition is not true, the next rule is evaluated. When the rule is true, XML comment defined by that rule is used and no more rules are evaluated.

3.Additional common comment. This is comment that will be appended in any case. You can use it to add your own or predefined XML tags with default text, e.g. copyright, author, etc.

To allow maximum flexibility, you can use macros in the comment definition. See the list of macros available in comment templates. For example, $DECLARING-TYPE-NAME$ macro is set to the name of declaring class/interface. You can insert macros easily using Insert Macro button.

See Also