Documenting has never been so easy

We have released a new version 6.8 of VSdocman. VSdocman is a  Visual Studio 2013/2012/2010/2008/2005 add-in for a quick commenting and automatic generation of technical and API documentation from your C# and VB .NET projects. For more information go to VSdocman home page .

This update contains some improvements and fixes several minor problems. You can download it from here.

What's new in VSdocman version 6.8:

  1. CHANGE: Removed the following settings for modeless comment editor: "Tool window", "Dockable" and "Tabbed document window". They were redundant and the window can be customized directly in the IDE as other VS tool windows, e.g. Solution Explorer.
  2. FIX: When a C# interface or a structure had an attribute with text that contained ":" character, then inherited/implemented interfaces were listed incorrectly in the generated Syntax section.
  3. FIX: When creating a new comment with 'Add XML Comment' or 'Comment Editor', a default comment was not inherited from an overridden/implemented member in a current project. The comment inheriting worked fine when the comment came from a referenced assembly (i.e. not from a project member) or when it was done automatically during documentation compilation.
  4. FIX: When modeless comment editor toolwindow was closed and the "Automatically apply changes ..." option was selected, the comment changes were not applied sometimes.
  5. FIX: When an URL in href attribute of <see> or <seealso> XML comment tag contained a space character, the space was removed in generated link.
  6. FIX: Sometimes, MS Word reported an error in generated docx file and you needed to repair it. This happened when: A) There was an image with the space character or any non-ASCII character in its filename. B) There were files in your "external files folder" that were not actually used.
  7. FIX: When some third-party designer was opened in VS (for example DevExpress XAF Model Editor), then when you tried to open VSdocman for the first time, the licensing error dialog appeared.
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.